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RUTH is a low-budget film project, making my first film.   The script is a modern-day storytelling of an old biblical story from the book of Ruth.  My mission is to create modern biblical films that people can relate to today and understand the character of God.  


I am currently in the pre-production stage of making this film a reality.  I need help with all aspects of making this film and the many talents involved.  My budget is small and needs to be spent on where it's most needed. I need many volunteers of your time and talents to become part of this film.  You will get IMDB credit and end-of-the-film credits.  If you believe in my mission and this story, please join me and sign up to offer your talents and gifts.  


Fill out the form below and check all required fields for a successful submission.  You should see a thank you note once you have successfully applied.  If not, please go back and check off all fields necessary.


The shooting is planned for this Spring/Summer/fall, depending on the cast and crew being completed. 


Disclaimer:  This film is a wholesome Christian film.  It doesn't have anything to do with LGBTQ+ topics.  However, the MN acting community began spreading negative rumors about me to deter actors from joining this film.  I do bible study podcasts to have taught this topic as a sin. I love all people, but not their sins.  If you love people, you tell them the truth about God. This is what I do.  Consider this before you apply so that you don't learn of this after you join to leave.  I have been very transparent on this project and my podcasts.  I welcome everyone to apply!

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Job Description

Role Descriptions:

Production Assistant (PA)  - To work during production on set and help anywhere as needed. On shooting days, check in with the Producer/Director/Assistant Director to get directions on where the PA is needed.  PA will be helping to get the set ready, keeping the set protected and quiet from people coming in/out while filming, and helping manage the cast. Other tasks include helping the Producer with location logistics (i.e., helping people park, showing them to set up, and giving them the tour), setting up food or running to grab food, and anything support the Producer needs. PA may help assist any department, per the instruction of the AD, who will know which team needs help. For example, if the Production Designer has a lot of props to bring on set, the AD manages the PA to go and help out PD. 


Camera Assistant - To work during production to help the Cinematographer as needed. A dedicated assistant to help with the camera setup, moving equipment, running to grab different pieces of equipment off-set, managing the clapper board, and keeping an eye on the Cinematographer’s well-being to stay hydrated on hot days, etc.


Associate or Co-Producer - Help the Producer with all tasks as needed during the pre-production, during production, and post-production.  Help research locations, permits, insurance, bookings, etc.  Post-production would include returns (i.e., equipment), film festival research, distribution, etc.


Production Designer  - Help the Producer with the aesthetic of the film to show how the film will look and feel on the set. Helps manage props (collecting, renting, etc.), sets up the set for each scene, and watches the continuity of the background during filming.


Editor - experience in Davinci Resolve and output to Theater release; color correction, quality film output.


Sound Dept. - consists of a Sound Mixer, a Boom Operator, and a Sound Utility.  A minimum crew would consist of a Sound Mixer and Boom Op. Ideal production would include an apprentice to act as a Sound Utility. The Sound Utility is not a must but would be great.

  • Sound Mixer: The head of the sound department is on set. The Sound Mixer is responsible for capturing the dialogue on set. The sound mixer also provides an “audio kit” to capture that audio. This would include a recorder, boom poles, microphones, and audio monitors (comteks) for the DP/AD, script supervisor, and others if necessary. This would also include specialty equipment like plant mics, wireless lavs (wires), and camera hops. It would also include the timecode boxes for the camera, an audio recorder for later sync in the post, and a slate with a timecode display.  The Sound Mixer provides the daily audio recordings to post-production for ingestion and saving of the files for post. A “sound report” is generally provided as well. The Sound Mixer ensures that the audio captured is clean and usable. This requires constant interaction with the boom op and working with the DP/AD during the shoot day to coordinate the production needs. The Sound Mixer also works closely with pre-production so that problems can be seen ahead of time and accounted for on the day of the shoot. The Sound Mixer is ultimately responsible for all other position responsibilities.

  • Boom Operator (Boom Op or 1st AS): The Boom Operator operates the main microphone on set. Very often professional Boom Ops will provide their boom poles.  The Boom Op is an artist who often uses their preferred tools. The Boom Op is the sound department representative on the actual filming set, as the Sound Mixer is often located away from the set. The Boom Op captures the best possible audio through a boom-mounted microphone. The boom mic is the primary source of dialogue capture. When there is no Sound Utility available the Boom Op fills the role.

  • Sound Utility (2nd AS): The Sound Utility is the “gopher” of the sound department. The Sound Utility is responsible for cabling and micing up talent, keeping batteries fresh in transmitters, prepping plant mics, dressing cables, passing out timecode boxes, passing out comteks, prepping wires, and other jobs to assist the sound department. The Sound Utility often acts as a 2nd Boom when necessary.




© 2024 Film Ruth LLC

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